In 2013-2015, Gazpromneft to upgrade the Moscow refinery costing $1.6 billion

In 2013-2015, Gazpromneft plans to invest over 50 billion rubles ($1.6 billion) into the upgrade of the Moscow refinery, the RBK reports, referring to the company.

Gazpromneft adopted a medium-term investment program and intends to implement a number of projects to upgrade it, the report says. Thus, in 2013, the launch of a light naphtha isomerization unit and catalytic cracking naphtha hydrotreater is planned within the program. The second stage of the distillate hydrotreating unit LCh-24-2000 will be also completed. As it was reported earlier, in June of 2013, the Moscow refinery will completely switch to the production of Euro-5 gasoline.

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