Gazprom intends to sell up to 10% of gas to Europe via auctions

​Gazprom intends to sell up to 10% of gas to Europe via auctions, the CEO of “Gazprom export” Ltd, E. Burmistrova, said.

Gazprom is a modern corporation which monitors the development tendencies in the European gas market and adjusts its strategy to its changes. In September 2015 “Gazprom export” held the first auction on gas supply by the Nord Stream. The result was over 40 deals with 15 contractors from different countries of Europe – both with old and new partners. In future Gazprom plans to sell up to 10% of export volumes at similar auctions, she said.

Returning to our flexibility policy, I would like to say that Gazprom uses all trade tools, including oil products indexation and spot indexation. I can assure you that contracts indexed by the prices of trade sites make up a significant part of our portfolio. Isn’t it the best proof of our progressive approach?- she asked.

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