Rosneft accumulates $ 20 billion in accounts and deposits.

"Rosneft", which has requested the government unprecedented financial assistance in the amount of 1.5 trillion roubles from the NWF, by mid-2014 has accumulated more than $ 20 billion (684 billion roubles) in its accounts. More than half of this amount the company keeps in dollar deposits and cashes on the interest rate. The government has to make a difficult choice - to give or not to give "Rosneft" the money, RBK daily writes.

Last week it became known that Igor Sechin applied to the government for the financial assistance. As "the Vedomosti" reported, he suggested five ways to support the company, the most expensive of which is the redemption of the new "Rosneft" bonds worth 1.5 trillion roubles by the National Welfare Fund (NWF). On August 14th,the Deputy Prime Minister, Arkady Dvorkovich stated that the government had received the proposals and would take a position within two weeks. RBK daily decided to analyze how the state support is critical for "Rosneft" now.

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