Rosneft has waited for Taas-Yuriakh documents for a year

When it bought a share in Taas-Yuriakh Neftegazdobycha at the beginning of 2012, Rosneft received pig in a poke. As the RBK daily got to know, the state company’s Head, Igor Sechin has had to demand the information on Taas-Yuriakh’s activity in the previous three years, including financial and credit history, through the courts. The current owners of Urals Energy may be at the back of unknown Cypriot offshore companies that owns the controlling stake.


Problems on the Yakut front

Igor Sechin headed Rosneft in May of 2012 and before, being the Vice Prime Minister in charge of the FEC, took care of it. Taking into account consequence of the Top Manager, few people decide to argue with him or to cross his path. But the RBK daily has found a company that opposes Sechin for over a year.

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