Rosneft to be the third for Nasiriya

Rosneft has become the third Russian company contending for the realization of the Nasiriya oil project in Iraq. The state company obtained the right for participation in the tender presupposing the development of the oil deposit and construction of the largest oil-refining plant in Iraq (14 million tons of oil). Lukoil and Zarubezhneft passed the same procedure, though it hasn’t been decided if Rosneft enters the consortium.Analysts say, CNPC is the most probable partner of Rosneft.

Rosneft was qualified for the project of development of Nasiriya deposit and construction of an oil-refining plant (Nasiriya Integrated Project) in Iraq, Iraqi Oil Ministry reported on Friday. Besides, the French Maurel & Prom (can take part only in exploration and extraction) obtained access to the tender. Three more companies – the Arabian-Indian Essar, the South Korean GS Engineering and Construction and the Indian ONGC obtained the right for the construction of the oil-refining plant.

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