KazTransGas to intend to send 70-80% of Kashagan gas for provision of domestic market

KazTransGas (KTG),has signed a contract on the purchase of all the gas, extracted at the Kashagan field, on the North-Caspian project production sharing agreement, intends to supply 70-80% of this gas to the domestic market, the KTG’s General Director ,Serik Sultangali reported.

“Today we sign a historical document; it is unique, because due to it we receive additional volumes for provision of the domestic market. The preliminary distribution of shares will be following: 70-80% of produced gas will be supplied to Kazakhstan’s population and 30 or 20%, depending on needs of the domestic market, will be exported,” – Sultangali said at the press conference after the signing of the contract with the Kashagan project’s participants.

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