Ilkham Aliev: The route of Southern Gas Corridor will help Azerbaijan fulfill its gas potential

In the last quarter some serious events connected with the energy policy of Azerbaijan have happened, the President of Azerbaijan, Ilkham Aliev claimed on Thursday at the meeting of the Cabinet Council devoted to the results of social and economic development in the first half of 2013 and forthcoming goals.

“The route of Southern Gas Corridor has been chosen. This is an historical event as important as Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum pipelines. As you know, Azerbaijan was the centre of attention. I believe, the decisions made will introduce serious changes to the future energy map of the region. Choosing of Southern Gas Corridor and the unified position of Shakh-Deniz Consortium about this must be assessed as a very positive occurrence. This project can help us realize our gas potential to the full and as I have noted, tens of billions of dollars will be invested into the Azerbaijani economy”, Aliev claimed.

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