In the arms of Gazprom: dependence of Central Europe on Russian gas slowly, but changes

Bills that come from Russian Gazprom to the Czech Republic are almost the highest in the whole European Commutiny. Only Polish and Bulgarian consumers buy Russian natural gas at higher prices. The policy of the Russian energy colossus is mysterious and high prices for the Czech Republic is one of the elements of the mosaic - the Czech edition Respekt writes. 

Where is the logic? 

At first glance it may indeed seem that the Gazprom’s CEO Alexei Miller determined the rates for certain countries, throwing darts at a map, as the experts in the American Forbes note with a touch of irony. The largest customer of Gazprom, Germany, has the third best price. But the second-largest buyer, Italy, pays more and even more than "insignificant" Finland. The high cost of gas for the Czech Republic also doesn’t correspond to the position of the country - the fifth largest customer of Gazprom in Europe. 
Different logic also doesn’t work here: those European countries, whose relations with Russia are bad or very cold, pay the least for Russian gas. This are the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. And traditional allies, or at least good friends, Serbia and Greece - on the contrary, pay almost twice as much for the same amount of gas. 

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