In January-April 2016, import of polyethylene to Russia fell by 19%

In the first four months of the current year, the total volume of external supply of polyethylene to the Russian market decreased by 19% as compared to the 2015 level and amounted to about 142.9 thousand tons. A serious decline in the import was recorded in the segment of high-density polyethylene and linear polyethylene.

In April, the external supply of polyethylene to the Russian market amounted to 41.5 thousand tons compared to 42.1 thousand tons a month earlier, the supply of low pressure polyethylene seriously fell. In general, in the first four months, the import of polyethylene decreased to 142.9 thousand tons compared to 175.8 thousand tons in the previous year. Major reductions in the external supply were recorded in the segments of high-density polyethylene and linear polyethylene, while the import of high-pressure polyethylene and ethylene vinyl acetate grew.

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