Rosneft develops subsoil of Gazprom

Rosneft keeps strengthening its positions in gas business where it competes with Gazprom. Former top manager of Gazprom Vlada Rusakova who officially left the company due to achieving the age of retirement will be in charge of this direction in the oil company. Her experience will help Rosneft and NOVATEK struggle for demonopolization of gas export. On this background discussion of the division of Gazprom and personnel replacements in the company activated.

It became known, former Head of the prospect development department of Gazprom, Vlada Rusakova will be in charge of gas business of Rosneft as the vice-President invited by Igor Sechin. She was appointed two weeks ago, the sources acquainted with the situation said. Rosneft confirmed that Rusakova took the post of the vice-President for gas business development.

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