Lukoil to invest further into oil processing

Lukoil expands its oil processing facilities due to modernization of equipment and looks for an opportunity for purchase or building of new oil-refining plants, is said in the materials of Lukoil for its $3 billion Eurobonds, Vedomosti reports.

The company has 4 oil-refining plants in Russia (44.4 million tons), a plant in Bulgarian Burgas (8.8 million tons) and Romanian Ploesti (2.4 million tons). Besides, the company holds 45% of an oil-refining plant in the Netherlands (7.9 million tons) and increased its share in Italian ISAB (16 million tons) from 60 to 80% in September. In March the company arranged the sale of Odessa plant standing idle for two years to Ukrainian VETEK Group.

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