Gazprom’s production plan for 2013

The production plan of Gazprom for 2013 makes up 495.73 billion cubic meters of gas, 14.75 million tons of gas condensate and 33.34 million tons of oil. The deputy chairman of the Board of Management of “Gazprom” V.Markelov said in an interview to a magazine “Gazprom”, published on the web site of the company.

“In 2013 we plan to add hydrocarbon  reserves of the C1 category growth in the amount of 560.5 million tons of fuel equivalent, including 521.7 billion cubic meters of gas, 23 million tons of condensate and 15.8 million tons of oil. In 2012 Gazprom produced 487 billion cubic meters of gas, 12.85 million tons of gas condensate and 33.33 million tons of oil.”

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