Orsk refinery to use innovative technology of hydrocracking provided by Shell

In February of 2014, Shell Global Solutions International BV and Orsknefteorgsintez signed an agreement under which Shell will provide the Orsk refinery a hydrocracking innovative technology that enables to significantly increase the efficiency of production.

According to the agreement, Shell will provide a license for the hydrocracking technology and will supply catalysts and internal devices of reactors for the new unit at the Orsk refinery, as well as will perform basic engineering and provide technical maitenance. Shell’s advanced technologies in the field of hydrocracking will allow the plant to significantly increase efficiency by processing low-yield raw materials into high-margin oil products. Due to the new unit the Orsk refinery will produce gasoline with ultra-low sulfur content, jet fuel and diesel fuel of the Euro-5 standard, effectively using hydrogen and minimizing the release of low-margin gases. Implemented the project, the plant will reach level of advanced enterprises of the industry in basic technical and economic rates.

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