Rosneft plans to discuss the cooperation with Japan at the shelf

Rosneft  plans to discuss  cooperation at the Russian shelf with the Japanese companies, its representative said.

On Tuesday the visit of I. Sechin to China is over and the next country he will visit is Japan.

The perspectives of cooperation at the shelf will be discussed with the heads of the Japanese companies.

Yesterday I. Sechin in the framework of the working visit to China met with the heads of the Chinese oil companies. The agreements on the consideration of CNPC, Sinopec and CNOOC in the joint work at the Russian shelf were reached. On the results of the meeting of I. Sechin with the Vice Prime Minister of the State Council of China, V. Tsishan, Rosneft was reported to suggest China the cooperation in the LNG sphere.

In late Jan Rosneft obtained licenses for 12 sites in 5 seas of the Arctic shelf (the West-Prinovozemelsky, North-Primorsky-1, South-Chukotsky, South-Prinovozemelsky, West-Matveevsky, Ust-Lensky, Ust-Oleneksky, Anisinsko-Novosibirsky, North-Karsky, North-Vrangelevsky-1, North-Vrangelevsky-2, Russky). The hydrocarbons resources by 12 new sites at the shelf of the Arctic seas make up about 18.9 bln tons of oil equivalent, including about 11.7 bln tons of oil and about 9 trln cubic m of gas.

For 7 of them ExxonMobil was attracted as a partner – for the North-Karsky in the Kara Sea, Ust-Oleneksky, Ust-Lensky, Anisinsko-Novosibirsky in the Laptev Sea, North-Vrangelevsky-1, North-Vrangelevsky-2, South-Chukotsky in the Chukotka Sea. So 5 sites are free – the West-Prinovozemelsky, West-Matveevsky, North-Pomorsky-1 and Russky at the shelf of the Barents (Pechora) Sea.

I. Sechin said a half of the reserves of Rosneft at the shelf is gas, it is about 21 trln cubic m. In this connection Rosneft suggests allowing LNG exports from the deposits located partially or fully within the borders of sea waters, territorial sea, at the continental shelf of Russia, in the Azov Sea and at the Yamal and Gydan peninsulas in the Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area.

Japan is the 4th in the world by the volume of energy consumption and almost doesn’t have its own energy resources. The level of gas consumption in the country is about 80 bln cubic m a year. The gas stake in the energy consumption of Japan is 14%. The country imports 100% of the consumed gas in the form of LNG being the 1st in the world by its import.

Japanis the main consumer of the Sakhalin LNG (Sakhalin-2) – about 65% of the products by the project is contracted by 4 largest electric generation and 5 gas companies of Japan by the long-term contracts for more than 20 years. The stake of the Sakhalin gas in the LNG consumption stake in Japan is about 8%. At the present time Gazprom plans to increase LNG supply to Japan, including by means of joint construction of the LNG plant in Vladivostok. The “Vladivostok-LNG” project presupposes the construction of the LNG plant at the Lomonosov peninsula (Perevoznaya bay). The capacity of the plant, that will consist of a few technological lines, will be not less than 10 mln tons of LNG a year. The first line is planned to start working in 2018.


Translated by Galiya Musabekova

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