New SKIN-system to heat intrafield oil and gas pipeline has been shipped to Trebs and Titov deposits

The engineering company “SSTenergomonthazh”, in the structure of “SST” GC, has shipped the SKIN-system IRSN 15000 for electric heating of the intrafield oil and gas pipeline at the Trebs and Titov deposits. The development and equipment supply have been held by the order of the  projection institution “NEFTEGASPROEKT”.

The specialists of SSTenergomonthazh projected a complex system of electric heating of the oil and gas pipeline with the length of 42,890 m from the booster pump station of the Titov deposit to the central point of oil collection of the Trebs deposit. The SKIN-system IRSN 15000 was chosen as the best technical decision. This system allows to provide the heating of a pipeline of any length. The company’s press service says that SST GC is the only producer of such systems in Russia. The designed system of electric heating will provide the compensation of heat loss of the above the ground elevated insulated pipeline aiming for keeping the technological temperature of the pumped products within the range of +15C o +60C with the temperature of environment of -42C to +34C.

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