Rosneft receives right to buy Eni’s share in Severenergia

The struggle for Severenergia may escalate. Rosneft has received the pre-emptive right to buy Eni’s share, to which also Novatek and Gazpromneft contended.
After it bought the Enel’s share in Severenergia, Rosneft received the pre-emptive right to purchase the share of the other Italian shareholder - Eni, a person, who is close to one of the Severenergia’s shareholders told the Vedomosti, and a person, who is close to Rosneft confirmed this.

Last week, Enel announced the sale of 40 % in its joint venture with Eni - Arctic Russia B. V., which owns 49% of Severenergia, to Rosneft." A new shareholders' agreement was concluded between Eni and Rosneft, and it has a point about the pre-emptive right, the person, who is close to Rosneft, said. He didn’t say if Rosneft was going to use it. The Rosneft’s representative declined to comment. Taking into account the current structure of Severenergia owners, Eni also plans to sell its stake, negotiations are in the process, a person, who is close to one of the Italian companies, said. Enel and Eni declined to comment.

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