Azerbaijan and Iran to decide fate of Nabucco

The Iranian issue further heats up the already tense situation, which takes place in the world and on the international oil and gas market. The country, which prepares for the lifting of sanctions, has high ambitions for the restoration of its position on the international oil market and entry to the European gas market. Though not very soon, but in the long term, all this can become a reality. In the issue of supply of Iranian gas to Europe Azerbaijan and projects with its participation can play a key role. Iran may be able to deliver its gas through the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline, which is the central element of the Southern Gas Corridor. In addition, urgency of the Iranian issue has created a foundation for the beginning of talks to revive the project of the Nabucco pipeline.

It seems that the lifting of the sanctions against Iran is fairly profitable for Europe itself, which is currently seeking to ensure the security of gas supply to its market and to strengthen its own energy security. Russia remains one of the major suppliers of gas to Europe. However, recently the gas relations between the European Union and Russia deteriorated. The Ukrainian crisis, the threaten to stop the transit of Russian gas through the Ukrainian territory, Russia's refusal from the South Stream gas pipeline project and the intention of Gazprom to build a new pipeline through Turkey have done their job. Now Europe looks for reliable partners, stable gas supplies, as well as a diversified system of sources and routes of the fuel supply to its market.

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