Rosneft and Lukoil in exchange of their oil delivery routes

Rosneft and Lukoil have done an exchange with their oil delivery routes. Now the state company can transport its oil to Czech Republic in the framework of its long-term contract with PKN Orlen and the private company can increase its deliveries in the premium Eastern direction.

In June Rosneft has signed the contract with Polish oil company PKN Orlen for delivery of 8 million tons of Russian oil to Czech Republic by the end of June 2016. Now the company has the access to this direction due to signing the agreement with Lukoil about the concession of facilities, the source acquainted with the situation has reported. Now the state company can transport oil via Druzhba pipeline to three oil-refining plants of Czech Unipetrol, 62.99% of which belongs to PKN Orlen (Shell and ENI hold the company’s shares as well), under the quota of Lukoil which used to supply Czech Republic with about 2.4 million tons of oil per year until July 1. “The Ministry of Energy has urgently corrected the export schedule under the request of the both companies”, the source says. The Ministry was not available for comment.

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