Bashneft to continue to buy raw materials from Russneft

Bashneft is going to continue oil supplies from Russneft, the Bashkir company reports. Bashneft will consider the issue on prolongation of a contract on purchase of oil from Russneft in the amount of up to 3 million tons at the extraordinary meeting of shareholders on August, 26th.

The contract is planned to be prolonged to August 331, 2014. The  parent company of Bashneft,AFK Sistema bought 49% of Russneft in 2010. Then Bashneft started to buy oil from Russneft under long-term contracts. In June of 2013, AFK Sistema signed a contract on the sale of 49% of Russneft to Mikhail Shishhanov and Felix Dlin, who were close to the owner of the other 49% of RussNeft Mikhail Gutseriev.

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