Gazprom: about production, investment program and dividends

In response to a question if Gazprom will be able to maintain the gas production at the level of 400 billion cubic meters and above in 2015, Cherepanov said: "Yes, it will. It will". The production plan for this year makes up 485.3 billion cubic meters of gas, and the plant for 2016 - 480 billion cubic meters.

In 2015, Gazprom is not going to place bonds in the currency, said deputy chairman of the Management Board, head of Financial and Economic Department of Gazprom Andrei Kruglov on the margins of the SPIEF-2015. In September 2014, Kruglov said that Gazprom considered the possibility of issuing bonds in Hong Kong, Singapore dollars or yuans. Last time Gazprom placed bonds in the currency in summer of 2012.

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