Rosneft signs a memorandum on cooperation on LNG projects in Sakhalin with Marubeni

On April 17, 2013, Rosneft and the Marubeni Corporation signed a memorandum on cooperation in the field of LNG projects and joint exploration and development of oil and gas deposits. The memorandum was signed by the President and Chairman of the Rosneft’s Board Igor Sechin and the President, CEO and Member of the Marubeni Corporation’s Board Fumiya Kokubu, the Rosneft’s Administration for Information Policy reports.

Within the memorandum the parties plan to consider the possibilities of the cooperation in the field of LNG projects implementation in the Russian Far East, which includes: designing and construction of a LNG plant; financing; LNG transportation, including tankers operation; supply of equipment and technique; LNG marketing for Japanese general utilities. Besides, a joint work to assess the possibilities of the cooperation in the exploration and development of oil and gas deposits at Rosneft’s licensed sites is also provided for by the memorandum.

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