Rosneft opts for roubles.

As it became known, "Rosneft" discusses the possibility of rouble bonds on an unprecedented scale of 2.4 trillion roubles. That is how the state-owned company may partially refinance its multibillion dollar debts in the weakening of the rouble, for which it will become a further support. In addition, the sources do not exclude that the company can prepare for the effects of the international sanctions against Russia from the EU and the U.S., "the Kommersant" states.

"Rosneft" is considering the possibility of the exchange of rouble bonds by 2.4 trillion roubles, a source familiar with the situation stated. 11 series are planned, each volume - about 220 billion roubles, the company can register them in the next two weeks, one of the interlocutors stated. "Rosneft" refused to comment. A source in the state-owned company stated that it "uses a variety of sources to attract liquidity". "The rouble bond issue – is one of the accepted forms of work in the market, however, it is not the only", - the source added.

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