"Naftogaz" and E. Bakulin do nothing to support "Chernomorneftegaz" – the top manager of the company.

The management of "Naftogaz Ukraine", including the chairman Eugene Bakulin monitors the situation around "Chernomorneftegaz" distantly without providing the company with any support, 100 % of which is controlled by the national joint stock company, the online edition of the Insider writes referring to Vladimir Plechun, the deputy chairman of the "Chernomorneftegaz" board.

"The company "Naftogaz of Ukraine", which owns "Chernomorneftegaz" has not done anything, no movement, no calls in support of the state and" Chornomornaftohaz" positions - V. Plechun stated. - The company had to create a crisis management headquarters, which would include both specialized professionals and non-specialized - of the Security Service and other agencies. Completely nothing was done. The phones were disconnected for us. "Naftogaz" management phones and in particular Bakulin’s has always been busy for us. I personally wrote three letters to Bakulin - I received no answer".


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