E.On Russia tries to make profit on the burnt block of Berezovsky state district power plant

The fire on Feb 1st at the boiler house of the energy block #3 of the Berezovsky state district power plant put it out of operation for 2-3 years.

The owner of the plant – E.On Russia – might try to change the qualification of the coming repair into the planned repair, that will allow the company to be paid for capacity from the former consumers for another half a year, is said in the letter of the head of “Union of Energy Consumers”, V. Kiselev, to the deputy Minister of Energy, V. Kravchenko, and chairman of the “System operator”, B. Ayuev.

According to Mr. Kiselev, in case if the repair will be held as planned, consumers will have to pay 98% of capacity to the station within 180 days by the conditions of the energy supply contracts.

The loss for consumers due to the payment of the out-of-operation equipment in 2016 will make up at least 5 bln roubles, he counted.

Kiselev also said that the accident at the Berezovsky state district power plant has already led to a 10% price rise for electric energy in the market in Siberia, as a result of which the expenditure of consumers for electric energy in 2016 in total will grow by 14.4 bln roubles.

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