Samchok and Vladivostok can become the main energy centers of the Far East

The meeting devoted to cooperation of Primorye and the Republic of South Korea took place in the administration of Primorye. The delegation proposed cooperation in the spheres of tourism, power energy and health services. The Korean Samchok and Vladivostok can become the main energy centers of the Far East, press service of the territorial administration reported.

The Heads of the administration executive bodies, the Head of Samchok and representatives of Korean investment companies took part in the meeting.

The Korean partners presented the project of a large health and leisure institution which could be built in Primorye. Power energy is one more important direction. The two cities can become the main energy centers of the Far East.

As noted by the Head of energy, oil and gas sector and the coal industry department of Primorye, Nikolai Lovygin, the building of Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok gas pipeline was fulfilled not only to supply gas but to export it as well.



Translated by Alexandra Utyasheva

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