Rosneft will work at Norwegian Arctic continental shelf via RN Nordic AS

The company, brought in the end of May 2012 to the Norwegian registry of enterprises will represent Rosneft in the projects realized in the Norwegian offshore together with Statoil. The chief of RN Nordic AS is Hans van Lamuen who has worked in Russia for several years. The Chairman of Management Board is Bengt Lie Hansen, the former chief of the Russian subsidiary of Statoil, experienced in work at High North, including Shtokman. The member of  Management Board is J. Runie, the new Vice President of Rosneft for shelf projects. Before the middle of October, when he got a post in Rosneft, he worked as a manager at different posts at Sakhalin-1 project, and was the Vice President of Exxon in Russia.

Rosneft enters the Norwegian Arctic continental shelf within the bounds of realization of the agreement for cooperation with Statoil. According to its clauses, Statoil gets 33.3% in the Russian projects including the project of the Perseyevsky license site in the Barents Sea, and Rosneft gets 33.3% in the projects at the Norwegian shelf.

The Board of Directors of Rosneft decided to provide a loan of $119.7 million with payment period of 10 years to RN Nordic AS. Earlier mass-media reported that Rosneft represented by RN Nordic AS and Lukoil entered the list of claimants for the right to use subsoil at the Norwegian continental shelf within the 22 license round.

In September 2012, Lukoil announced about its intention to participate in the tender in spring 2013 together with Det Norske, North Energy и Lundin Petroleum. Applications were accepted until December 4 2012. The offers will be sent to the companies in spring 2013, and then they will found alliances for operation at the Norwegian shelf. The new licenses will be granted to the participants by summer 2013.

Within the 22 round, the applicants were offered the licenses for 86 blocks: 14 in the Norwegian Sea, and 72 in the Barents Sea. The participating companies were: Atlantic Petroleum AS, AS Norske Shell, Bayerngas Norge AS, BG Norge AS, BP Norge AS, Centrica Resources Norge AS, Concedo ASA, ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS, Dana Petroleum Norway AS, Det Norske oljeselskap ASA, Dong E&P Norge AS, E.ON E&P Norge AS, Edison International SpA, Eni Norge AS, Faroe Petroleum Norge AS,  GDF SUEZ E&P Norge AS, Idemitsu Petroleum Norge AS, Lukoil Oil Company, Lundin Norway AS, Maersk Oil Norway AS, Moeco Oil & Gas Norge AS, North Energy ASA, OMV Norge AS, PGNiG Norway AS, Repsol Exploration Norge AS, Rocksource ASA, RN Nordic Oil AS, RWE Dea Norge AS, Skagen44 AS, Spring Energy Norway AS, Statoil Petroleum AS, Suncor Energy Norge AS, Total E&P Norge AS, Tullow Oil, Valiant Petroleum, Wintershall Norge ASA .

Norway holds regular license rounds for the new shelf sites once per 2 years, and holds 2 stages before the procedure. At first, the Ministry of Oil and Energy of Norway qualifies a company for work at the state continental shelf as an operator. Lukoil successfully passed through the stage in August 2011, having demonstrated sufficient data on safety provision in oil and gas production. Then the companies choose the sites at the Norwegian shelf they are eager to develop.

Translated by Nadezhda Poltoratskaya


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