KUMZ goes on building a new rolling complex

Kamensk-Uralsk metallurgic plant (KUMZ) goes on building the new rolling complex, the technical equipment of which will exceed all Russian and European analogues. Its foundation will provide deliveries of qualitatively new (in configuration and nomenclature) semi-finished products, increase the share of Russian products made of the latest aluminium and aluminium-lithium alloys to at least 20% of total sales of aluminium semi-finished products to leading Russian and foreign aircraft building corporations (Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier etc.).

Within 4 years the new rolling complex will be completed. The first line of the complex – cold rolled metal department – will be put into operation in 2014. The production of aviation plates and sheet will increase by 166 thousand tons and the sales of products will make up more than 40 billion rubles. The investments in the rolling complex make up 23 billion rubles.

Aircraft, space, missile, shipbuilding and building enterprises will become the main consumers of the products made at the rolling complex.


Source: http://www.metalinfo.ru/ru/news/59940

Translated by Alexandra Utyasheva

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