Gazprom Neft won a tender for Novochatylskinsky site in Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area

​Gazprom Neft has won a tender for the right to use the Novochatylskinsky site that includes a part of the Chatylskinsky oil deposit. It is located in the Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area.

The license is issued for 25 years.

The tender was won by Gazprom Neft’s affiliate - Gazprom Neft Noyabrskneftegas OJSC.

As of Jan 2014, C1 oil reserves of the site make up 0.991 mln tons, C2 -0.239 mln tons.

The forecast recoverable D1 resources of the Novochatylskinsky site make up: oil – 0.2 mln tons, gas -0.47 bln cubic m; condensate -0.1 mln tons. 2 appraisal and 3 exploratory wells with the total depth of 14,830 m are drilled at the site. The area of the site is 63.4 sq km.

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