Gazprom Neft expects a decision from PetroVietnam on participation in 2 projects

​Currently the specification of geological models of the Dolginsky and North-Western deposits is held, a representative of Gazprom Neft said. The company hopes that until the end of the year PetroVietnam will assess an opportunity of participation in these projects and a final decision will be made.

The specification of geological models of the Dolginsky deposit and negotiations with PetroVietnam are held by the North-Western deposit, deputy CEO for development of shelf projects, A. Patrushev said.

The works on the specification of geological models of the Dolginsky deposit will be over by the end of the year.

In April the companies were reported to found  working group which will comprise experts from both companies on the parity basis. The group is to make the list of priority deposits for joint projects at the shelf.

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