European Commission Vice-President M.Sefcovic studies the letter of Alekperov, regarding Romanian oil refinery

The European Commission Vice-President M.Sefcovic received a letter from the head of LUKOIL V.Alekperov, concerning the situation involving the Romanian oil refinery of the company. But there is no decision on this question so far, the source, close to the European Union’s management stated.

Earlier, vice-president of LUKOIL for oil processing T.Muller asserted LUKOIL relies on the support of the EU Commission regarding the Romanian oil refinery. According to him, Alekperov sent an appropriate letter to Sefcovic.

“I can confirm that vice-president Sefcovic has got a letter from LUKOIL today and studies it. I have no other comments so far,” a companion of the agency stated.

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