Miller: Creation of eastern part of the Russian unified gas supply system is a priority.

The IIIrd Petersburg International Gas Forum takes place in St. Petersburg. A Gazprom’s delegation takes part in it. The company’s CEO Alexei Miller greeted participants of the event during the opening ceremonies.

“We set an ambitious goal for ourselves – to create an eastern part of the Russian unified gas supply system. Reliability, stability of gas supplies and capacities of the gas transportation system in the east must be the same as in the western part of Russia. In the end, we will connect the western and eastern parts and create the unified gas supply system in the proper sense of the word,” – Alexei Milelr stated.

Gazprom will work in the east of Russia in a similar way as in other regions – comprehensively, according to the unified approach, “from market”. At the same time, the extraction in the East has serious specificity and will be significantly differ from everything that was made during the last 40 years in Western Siberia. Gas of Eastern Siberia is multicomponent, “fat gas”. This means that creation of new producing capacities must be strictly synchronized with creation of gas-processing and gas-chemical capacities. “This is absolutely a new approach, new task, which we will settle and with which we didn’t met during the gas production in Western Siberia. As for needs for gas, which we observe in the East, it is completely provided with resource base,” – Alexei Miller said.

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