The EU to continue to be dependent on Russian gas at least till 2030

In case of absence of fundamental changes in the policies of the EU and Russia, in the foreseeable future the energy sector in Europe will continue to dependent on Russian natural gas, which will take a considerable share in the European fuel balance until 2030, the expert of the Brookings Institute in Washington, Tim Boersman reported.

The expert reached his conclusion on the basis of studies, conducted by the Brookings Institute. The study notes that "Russian natural gas will be very competitive in Europe until 2030, at the same time, an increase in the production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is expected".

"In general, the analysis shows that the transformation of the structure of the fuel balance in Europe doesn’t take place. We think that the share of the Russian gas in the European fuel balance will be significant,"- said Boersman. According to him, despite the calculations of experts at the Brookings Institute, there is always a chance that the policy will change. "It may well be that there is a discrepancy between what is expected from the market and with the way of the political realities. They usually are not the same,"- said the expert.

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