Government expands a port in Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area to develop the oil and gas condensate deposit

​The PM D. Medvedev has signed a regulation on the change of borders of the sea port Sabetta (Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area).

By the regulation of the Government the additional site of the water area is included into the borders of the Sabetta sea port so as to develop the Salmanovsky oil and gas condensate deposit. Pier objects meant for the acceptation of construction cargo and provision necessary for this deposit will be located there.

The planned regime of working of the piers in the navigation period is 24 hours a day, 2 shifts, from July until September, about 70 days a year.

This decision will contribute to the optimization of the structure of the port and its status meeting the legislation, development of transport infrastructure of the Far North, the Government says.

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