The western sanctions cause an increase of Russian oil exports to Asia by 10%.

Russian oil exports to Asia reached a historic maximum in relation to the introduction of sanctions against Moscow by the United States and the European Union and will increase further.

"This year Asia accounted for about 30% of all "black gold" deliveries from Russia or an average of 1.2 million barrels per day, which is a record. For comparison, in 2012 the Russian oil exports to Asia accounted for only about 20% of the total", - the statement informs.

It is noted that the supply to Europe decreased. So, in May 2012 the daily oil exports amounted to about 3.72 million barrels, and by July 2014 it had fallen to less than 3 million barrels.

At the moment most of Russia's oil exports to Asia are sent to China, it happens at a time when Russia because of the strained relations with Europe is trying to strengthen the ties with the Asian region, which has a significant need for energy.

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