Lavrov’s protest against introduction of the EU’s Third Energy Package is a struggle for influence on the Ukraine

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is discontented with the Third Energy Package (TEP) of the European Union. The Ministry’s Head Sergei Lavrov wrote that the TEP introduction decreases the investment attractiveness of European countries for Russian companies, and in some cases a undisguised expropriation takes place. According to political scientists, the strengthening of the Moscow’s criticism of legislative actions of its main economic partner is connected with the increase of the total tension in relations between Russian and the EU because of the Ukraine.

As concerning Russian power suppliers, problems shouldn’t occur here. The only representative of this sector, which sells electricity to Europe is inter RAO. And, as its representative stated to the Gazeta.Ru, the company doesn’t have assets that could fall within the scope of the Third Energy Package.

To date only Gazprom has suffered from the TEP introduction.

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