Energy plays of the Caucasus: to decrease costs the Great Britain to place stake on shale gas and Italy on Azerbaijan

In order to decrease the cost of energy supply, European governments try to expand national markets of natural gas as by discovery of new shale gas fields, as by trade agreements made on a bilateral basis, not at the European level - the Italian edition of Il Foglio writes.
The above can be confirmed by two facts: the British government intends to give new impetus to the gas extraction from deep layers, and the Italian one - to strengthen the cooperation between Italy and Azerbaijan in the construction of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP). The Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta paid a visit to Baku on Sunday. This is the only large city of Azerbaijan, located on the coast of the Caspian Sea. The British and Italian governments have set a goal to reduce the energy cost. This intention may be easy understood, because this will make easier the life of citizens, who have to pay for energy too much after two years of austerity measures. Yesterday, the British Prime Minister David Cameron gave a "clear push", as the agency Reuters wrote, to the exploration of new shale gas fields. "If we don’t use this technology, we will lose the opportunity to help families to reduce their daily energy costs and make our country more competitive," - Cameron wrote in the Daily Telegraph yesterday. Thus, Cameron indirectly defied challenge environmentalists who opposed the use of hydraulic fracturing technology and the use of chemicals. Cameron would like to increase the gas production as in the north, as in the south of the Great Britain.

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