NLMK increased steel output by 3% in H1 2015

​NLMK increased steel output by 3% in H1 2015 to make up 7.92 mln tons due to the production growth at the Lipetsk site as a result of realization of the program of operational efficiency increase, the company reports. The sales of the group rise to 7.96 mln tons (+3%) due to the growth of semi-finished goods sale (+25%).

The loading of steel making capacities of NLMK in Q2 2015 made up 94% (no changes against Q2 2014), including at the Lipetsk site – 100%.

In quarterly terms the group increased steel output by 5% to 4.05 mln tons after the completion of large repair works at the Lipetsk site and NLMK USA. NLMK group’s sales in Q2 2015 rose by 1% to make up 4 mln tons. In Russia the sales rose by 9% against Q2 2014. The sales of foreign subdivisions rose by 12%.

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