Tatneft to save oil extraction level if the decision on its freezing is made

​Tatneft will save the extraction at the current level if it is decided to freeze the extraction at the meeting of OPEC on April 17th, the President of Tatarstan, R. Minnikhanov, said. We will execute the obligations of the Russian party, he said. Consultations with the Russian oil companies have already been held at the federal level.

Tatneft will normally function with the current volumes, he said.

In Q1 2016 Tatneft extracted 6.847 mln tons of oil in Tatarstan, by 5.4% more than in Q1 2015. In Q1 2016 Tatneft group extracted 6.932 mln tons of oil (+5.5%), in March – 2.361 mln tons (+4.1%).

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