Nasalik suggested directing $1 bln for modernization of one oil refinery plant

​The Ukraine needs to modernize one of the oil refinery plants so as to provide itself with light oil products, the Minister of Energy, I. Nasalik, thinks.

We have 5 plants, but the efficiency of their processing is not over 55%. It is necessary to modernize one of them so as the output would be 93%, he said.

The value of such a project might make up about $1 bln. He said that it is necessary to study and choose the appropriate for this project plant.

Mr. Nasalik said that it is not a problem to supply oil to this enterprise.

He suggested using the Odessa-Brody oil pipeline as a variant.

Mr. Nasalik might have meant the Odessa oil refinery which was transferred to Ukrtransnefteprodukt by the court.

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