In 2012, Bashneft’s net profit under IAS grew by 4.5% to 52.1 billion rubles.

Today, the Group of companies “Bashneft”, which includes the company Bashneft and its subsidiaries and dependent companies, announced audited consolidated financial results of its activity in the 4th quarter and 12 months that finished on December 31, 2012, prepared in accordance with the international accounting standards.

In 2012, Bashneft showed the consecutive improvement of its activity’s financial results. The Group’s sale proceeds increased by 9.5% as compared to 2011 to 532 502 million rubles. The EBITDA rate grew by 5.2% to 98 690 million rubles. The net profit of the parent company’s shareholders made up 52 088 million rubles in 2012 that is by 4.5% more than in 2011.

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