Effect from geological and technical measures of Tomskneft made up over 1 mln tons of oil in 2015

​In 2015 due to the realization of the geological and technical measures Tomskneft extracted extra 1 mln tons of oil.

Rosneft reported that 933 geological and technical measures were realized, 392 of which were directed for the new extraction and 541 – for basic.

Among the main measures are the drilling of new wells, layer hydrofracturing operations, sidetracking, off-stream well reactivation etc.

Along with the traditional methods of oil recovery increase, new technologies were applied.

In particular, horizontal wells, multi-lateral wells were constructed, multi-stage layer hydrofracturing was held.

The monitoring of the most effective wells confirmed the high efficiency of the applied technologies.

Despite of the fact that many deposits in the region have been operated for 50 years already, Tomskneft annually extracts about 10 mln tons of oil, including by means of application of modern extraction technologies.

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