Severstal increases supplies of special steel to shipbuilding industry 2 times

For the first 10 months of 2012, the Cherepovets metallurgic plant (CherMK), one of the largest integrated steel plants in the world (a part of the division Severstal Russian Steel) supplied special steel to enterprises of the shipbuilding industry  by 2 times more than in the same period of 2011.

Special ship steel (cold-resistant steel grades AK and AB) is used, mainly, for defense orders, particularly for the construction of submarines and supermarine war ships.

Thus, in October of 2012, CherMK dispatched more than 2 thousand tons of sheet rolled steel for the construction of frigates (war guard-ships) of new generation to the Baltic shipbuilding plant Yantar (the Kaliningrad region). The shipment of rolled steel was delivered to the plant by water and due to this the delivery was carried out on term and at minimum expense. The Cherepovets rolled steel will be used for the construction of ship girders.

“Our choice of Severstal as a supplier was caused, mainly, by the profitable competitive offer, - the Yantar’s Commercial Director, Konstantin Roduk comments on, - such as the correspondence of terms and volumes of supplies to our requirements and the dispatch of the production by water. We are very content with the result of our cooperation, the quality of the supply and efficiency, with which Severstal solves all technical problems”.

“CherMK traditionally specialized in the production of rolled steel for the shipbuilding, - the division Severstal Russian Steel’s CEO Alexander Grubman emphasized, and has technical groundwork in the creation of special grades of ship steel, thereby creating the preconditions for the advanced scientific and technical groundwork, which needs to upgrade the sea and river fleet, as well as for defense contracts”.

Recently, the project of the program “The development of the shipbuilding in 2013-2030” was discussed at the meeting of the Russian Government.One of its main aims must be an innovation upgrade of the sector.

CherMK has already mastered the technology of mass production of special ship steel by metal smelting in the converter shop. This technology reduces the production cycle and accelerates the implementation of orders for shipbuilders. The steel production in the converters, and then pouring in full-weight slab (thickness of 315 mm) provides  a significant improvement of consumer properties of special steels during the rolling of slabs at the mill 5000 (LPC-3, Kolpino, St. Petersburg). These include, for example, the sheet evenness, which is important in the welding of ship items and therefore it is essential to the shipbuilders.

Translated by Svetlana Kyrzhaly

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