In H1 2014, KazTransOil reduced oil transporting by 4% and increased profit by 7%

In H1 2014, KazTransOil reduced oil transport by 4% to 25.044 million tons, and increased profit by 7% to 87.865 billion tenges. Consolidated oil and oil products transport and transshipment reduced by 6% to 30.880 million tons. Oil commodity circulation was 17.927 billion tons-km, by 2% less than in H1 2013. Net profit increased by 10% to 36.755 billion tenges. Consolidated revenue increased by 4.5% to 97.026 billion tenges. Consolidated net profit reduced by 35% to 26.436 billion tenges. Reduction in consolidated profit is explained by appearance of loss from jointly controlled enterprises. Due to tenge devaluation, Kazakhstan – China Pipeline LLC gained loss from the difference in currency exchange rate due to re-counting of financial liabilities (loans) in USD. Consolidated oil commodity circulation reduced by 2% to 22.105 billion tons-km.

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