Oil production at Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli remains stable.

During Q1 2015 oil production from the "Chirag", "Central Azeri", "Western Azeri", "Eastern Azeri", "Deepwater Gunashli" (DWG) and "West Chirag" platforms amounted to 59 million barrels or 8 million tons that is equal to the same period in 2014, the report of BP-Azerbaijan for Q1 2015 informs. Daily in average 661 thousand barrels of oil are extracted from ACG. Thus, the average daily oil production from the "Chirag" platform was 54 thousand barrels, the "Central Azeri" platform - 159 thousand barrels, "Western Azeri" - 129 thousand barrels, "Eastern Azeri" - 71 thousand barrels, DWG - 149 thousand barrels.

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