Gazprom Neft has launched the Russian largest complex for motor oil production

Gazprom Neft has launched at the Omsk oil refinery the second stage of the complex for motor oil blending, packaging and filling. The new production is the largest Russian by the total capacity of blending, and packaging. The high-tech complex for motor oil blending, packaging and filling is meant for the production of 110,000 tons of motor oil and packaging and of 180,000 tons of ready products. The blending site is equipped with 5 blending machines, the pipeline system providing the separate production of oil, the apparatus for high-precision dosing of admixtures, and the special utilities for preparing of the blending components. This all enables to maximumlly operatate and fully automatically produce a wide range of motor oil sorts including under the brands of G-Energy and Gazpromneft. The packaging stations provides filling of over 350 sorts of products and simultaneous storing of 10,000 tons of packaged oils. Because of the introduction of the innovation technologies that were used before only at Gazprom Neft’s refinery in Bari, the average time of production of one batch was reduced to 4 hours.

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