Vaneivissky and Layavozhsky sites in the Nenets autonomous district to be put up for auction in 2016

The auction for the right to use the subsoil plots of federal importance, including the Vaneivissky and Layavozhsky sites in the Nenets autonomous district, will be held in 2016. The corresponding decree was signed by the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The site for the geological exploration and production of hydrocarbons has area of 761.5 square km. According to the state balance of mineral reserves, as of January the 1st, 2015, C1 geological reserves and oil resources at the area were 71.188 million tons, recoverable reserves and oil resources - 14.231 million tons, gas reserves – 223.098 billion cubic meters, geological gas condensate reserves - 14.34 million tons, recoverable reserves of gas condensate - 10.923 million tons.

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