Sakhartransneftegas plans to modernize Yakutia gas processing plant

​The project of modernization of the Yakutia gas processing plant will be worked out until the end of 2016, CEO of Sakhartransneftegas, I. Makarov, said.

The project of modernization and expansion of the Yakutia gas processing plant is one of the priorities in the investment program of Sakhartransneftegas until 2018.

The necessity of modernization of the Yakutia gas processing plant is explained by the old equipment of the plant, planned expansion, and consequences of the fire taken place in June 2014.

In August 2015 the Yakutia gas processing plant renewed the summer maximum of gas production level.

As of August 4th 2015 the average productivity made up 35 tons of LNG a day against 21.5 tons of LNG a day for the same period in 2014.

In July 2015 the production volume rose by 505 having reached 1,019 tons instead of the produced 680 tons.

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