Bashneft and Gazprom delay the modernization of oil refinery plants

In 2012, Bashneft and Gazprom violated the periods of the putting of the secondary oil and gas processing units into operation stated in the 4-party agreement.

According to Rostekhnadzor, Bashneft hasn’t completed in time the construction of the alkylation unit at the Novoufimsky oil refinery plant, Gazprom – the fuel hydro cleaning unit at the Astrakhan gas processing plant and the diesel fuel hydro cleaning unit at “Gazprom neftekhim Salavat”. Lukoil-Volgogradneftepererabotka and TAIF-NK violated the terms – they put into operation the diesel fuel hydro cleaning units without the documents. These companies will be subject to administrative liability by Rostekhnadzor.

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