TechnoNIKOL to ship polymer membranes to India

​Roof and water-proof polymer membranes of TechnoNIKOL LOGICROOF and LOGICBASE will be shipped to India. In early November TechnoNIKOL held a seminar for future architects and constructors of Mumbai in the framework of which peculiarities of application of these materials in hot countries were considered. The produced by the company PIR thermal isolation was interesting for Indian constructors.

According to the participants of the seminar, the operational qualities of polymer membranes of TechnoNIKOL allow to settle a number of problems the constructors face in Mumbai.

The conception of cold (white) roof out of PVC with a high reflectivity which is broadly applied in the southern areas of Russia, will allow to significantly save on air conditioners and reduce the heat island effect and in the conditions of hot climate of India. Polymer membranes LOGICROOF  are produced by a unique TRI-P technology presupposing the presence of the upper protective layer containing special absorbents which block the influence of the sun and loss of the plasticizer out of the main layers of the membrane. It results in a lower temperature of the surface that directly lead to the electric energy saving for air conditioning.

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