SGC Upstream joins the memorandum on EITI implementation in Azerbaijan

There was signed a document on joining of SGC Upstream to a memorandum of understanding on an appliance of Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Azerbaijan on November 12.

According to the statement by SOCAR, the company will take part in the process of providing data to the 19th report on EITI in the country (covers 2014). Thus, the number of companies, which signed a memorandum, reached 39. SGC Upstream was established by CJSC Cənub Qaz Dəhlizi (Southern Gas Corridor) for efficient management of “Shah Deniz-2”, TANAP and TAP projects in accordance with the executive order “On some measures, related to the second stage of development of the gas condensate deposit “Shah Deniz” and other projects on the creation of the Southern Gas corridor”.

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